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Fast, Friendly & Fair 213.714.0663 Click for FREE Estimate
Window, Roofing & Siding Contractor

Replacement Windows in Michigan | New Energy Efficient Windows | Michigan Windows Estimate

Michigan's Windows has been serving the Northern Michigan area for 25 years. We are proud to be using Alside Windows for our professional choice in windows. We make our customers feel confident that our products are backed by a professional company with transferable warranties.

New Window Installation  in Michigan

Free Window Replacement Estimate

Complete our free estimate form for your window estimate today, and we'll get back to you promptly to work together on a customized plan to fit with your lifestyle, needs and budget. We look forward to hearing from you.

Give us a call today at (231)714-0663 or fill out our free estimate form and let us show you what we can do for you.


If your existing windows are costing you time, money and stress, then it is time to consider replacing them. Michigan's Windows will replace your current windows with Alside replacement windows which offer you the following advantages:

  • Windows are backed by a company that has been around for 65 years and offers transferable lifetime warranties.
  • We offer free, no-obligation, in-home consultations along with a factory showroom, window styles for you to see, touch and feel our quality.
  • Alside Windows are maintenance-free, vinyl design will save you time with no painting or scraping. And when you replace with Michigan's Windows, they will not warp.

Click here for a Virtual Window Designer

We have done work for hundreds of North Western area families. If you would like to see a sample of our work, just drive down your street, chances are we have installed replacement windows, roofing or siding in your local Michigan neighborhood.

Thank you for considering Michigan's Windows as your window installation contractor.

Window Replacement Services in Northern Michigan

Repair or Replace

  • Bay Windows
  • Blinds
  • Curtains
  • Double Pane Windows
  • Fiber Glass
  • New Construction Windows
  • Picture Windows
  • Sash Repair
  • Shutters
  • Solar Windows
  • Stained Glass Windows
  • Triple Pane Windows
  • Vinyl
  • Window Framing
  • Window Installation
  • Window Pane Repair

Antrim County Window Replacement Services

Banks | Central Lake | Chestonia | Custer | Echo | Elk Rapids | Forest Home | Helena | Jordan | Kearney | Mancelona | Milton | Star | Torch Lake | Warner

Charlevoix County Window Replacement Services

Bay | Boyne Valley | Boyne | Boyne Falls | Chandler | Charlevoix | East Jordan | Evangeline | Eveline | Hayes | Hudson | Marion | Melrose | Norwood | Peaine | South Arm | St. James | Wilson

Crawford County Window Replacement Services

Beaver Creek | Frederic | Grayling | Lovells | Maple Forest | South Branch

Grand Traverse County Window Replacement Services

Acme | Blair | East Bay | Fife Lake | Garfiel | Grant | Green Lake | Long Lake | Mayfield | Paradise | Peninsula | Union | Whitewater

Kalkaska County Leaking Window Replacement Services

Bear Lake | Blue Lake | Boardman | Clearwater | Coldsprings | Excelsior | Garfield | Kalkaska | Oliver | Orange | Rapid River | Springfield

Leelanau County Leaking Window Replacement Services

Bingham | Centerville | Cleveland | Elmwood | Empire | Glen Arbor | Kasson | Leelanau | Leland | Solon | Suttons Bay

Ostego County Leaking Window Replacement Services

Bagley | Charlton | Chester | Corwith | Dover | Elmira | Hayes | Livingston | Otsego Lake

Why is Michigan's Windows considered a better choice for roofing, windows & siding when stacked against awesome competitors like Hansons, Wallside, WheatherGaurd, and Magic Windows? Call (231)714-0663 to set up an appointment or Request a free Quote.